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Povidone-iodine solution

Povidone-iodine solution

                     Instructions veterinary


Common name of povidone-iodine solution

Product Name betadine / excellent dimensional bacteria g / kg drug grams

Pinyin Juweitongdian Rongye

English name Povidone Iodine Solution

The main components of povidone-iodine.

¡¾Properties¡¿ red-brown liquid.

Pharmacological effects of this product by the continuous release of free iodine, destroy bacterial metabolism, leaving the inactivation of bacteria and other microorganisms, is an efficient and low toxicity of bactericidal drugs, bacteria, viruses and fungi have a good role in the killing.

[Use] for the surgical site, skin, mucous membrane disinfection.

Dosage with povidone-iodine count, skin disinfection and treatment of skin diseases, 5% solution; the cow nipples soaking, 0.5% to 1% solution; mucosa and wound cleaning, 0.1% solution.

[Note] 1. When the solution becomes white or yellowish lose both bactericidal activity.

  2. Disable the animals are allergic to iodine.

3. Drug compatibility should not contain mercury.

  4. The preparation of iodine should be stored in airtight containers. If stored too long, the color fades, the iodine content should be measured, and the concentration of iodine supplement before use.

5. small animals rubbed skin disinfection with iodine, iodine is appropriate to 70% alcohol, avoid foaming or inflammation.

Adverse reactions 1. Low toxicity is very low concentrations of iodine, and occasionally cause allergic reactions when used.

2. long soak metal instruments, will produce corrosive.

[Specification] 1000ml: povidone iodine 20g.

[Packing] 1000ml / bottle × 12 bottles / box

[Storage] stored.

[No.] veterinary drug approval letter (2010) 152 542 739

[Period] years.